Host clubs will publish meet information several weeks before the registration deadline. All available meet information will be provided via downloadable PDFs found on the Meet Sign-Up page. Please click on the meet name and review the “Forms/Documents” section of the "Meets" page.
All meet entries should be input via the Aquajets’ online meet entry system. Coaches will be reviewing all entries and will communicate with Members once the entries are finalized.
After coaches make the final decisions about events and complete the entry process, entries will be posted on the Final Meet Entries page.
Relays are subject to change all the way up to the time of the event, and the Aquajets coaches always have the final decision on who will be part of the relay teams. See our posted Relay Policy here.
Log into your Aquajets account with your login email address and password.
After logging in, click on the "MEETS" tab at the top of the home page.
In the list of upcoming meets find the title of the meet you wish to enter your swimmer and click on that title, or click on the button "Attend/Decline." Please note: All available meet information will be provided via downloadable PDF documents. Please click on the meet name and review the “Forms/Documents” section.
After clicking on the "Attend/Decline" button, that will bring you to a page where you can select the athlete's name of whom you wish to enter into the meet.
Click on the athlete's name; that will take you to a page where you will find a "Declaration" field. Select YES or NO to attend the meet. If you select NO, be sure to click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page when you are finished.
If you select "YES," a list of events will appear with your swimmer's best times per each event. If your swimmer does NOT yet have times recorded in any particular event, "NT" (No Time) will appear.
Choose the events your swimmer wishes to swim by simply clicking the box to the left of each event.
The meet information document will explain the maximum number of entries per session for each swimmer. If you exceed the max limits, a message should pop up to indicate this. Simply de-select events to be within those limitations.
Some meets require specific time standards. If any events are in red, that indicates your swimmer doesn't meet the time standards and is not eligible to swim that event. If you feel this is a discrepancy, leave a note in the "NOTES" section which is at the top of the page just under the Declaration field, or email your coach.
If you have any event requests or notes you wish to make, please enter them in the Notes section. A coach will review the notes and get back to you with a response.
If you encounter events labeled "OPEN," those events are usually reserved for swimmers 15 & older. However, the system will allow swimmers of all ages to enter those events. If your swimmer is 14 & younger, your swimmer must have approval from his or her lead coach before entering an OPEN event. Swimmers should NOT be signed up for more than one session of a meet on the same day. Please talk with your swimmer's lead coach if you are unsure of events for your swimmer.
IMPORTANT: When you are finished, be sure to click "Save Changes" at the bottom right corner of the page.
Swimmers will be charged an entry fee for each event entered. Minnesota Swimming, Inc. establishes meet entry fees based upon the meet classification. The Aquajets fee to cover administration and coaching costs are as follows:
$10 for local meets (exception: this fee is not applied for meets at the Aquajets pool)
$15 for out-of-town meets (this includes all meets in Rochester)
$75 for National-level meets
For out-of-town meets, additional surcharges may be added to cover coaches' travel expenses. The National-level swimmers will be charged an out-of-town travel fee to help defray coaches' travel expenses. The Meet Information documents will specify all charges for a particular meet.
All meet fees will be billed to your online Aquajets account. Meet fees are not refundable once a swimmer is entered into a meet.
On the 21st of each month, any meet fees and other charges will be reflected on your account. Please set up your preferred payment method by accessing your online account.
In order to simplify the administration process, the Aquajets staff would prefer members use either the ACH automatic payment or the credit card automatic payment methods. Any open account balance will be charged to your preferred payment method on the 1st of each month.
Checks will also be accepted and are required to be dropped off at the AAC Office on or before the 1st of each month.