Questions? Here's who to contact: 

We will do our very best to answer emails as soon as possible; however, it may take a day or two.
Emails sent over the weekend, especially weekends of swim meets, will be read and responded to on Monday or Tuesday. 
Use these email addresses to direct your comments and questions to the correct contact:
Financial: [email protected]
Registration: [email protected]
Swim Meets: [email protected]
Gold Groups: [email protected]
BlueSharks: [email protected]
BlueJets, BlueLightning: [email protected]
Junior 1: [email protected] 
Junior 2 & Senior Elite: [email protected]
Junior 3: [email protected]
National: [email protected]
Board of Directors: [email protected]
Volunteers: [email protected]
Splash Nights: [email protected]